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Therapy & Coaching Reimagined

A Mind-Body 
Approach to Mental Wellness

We offer integrated therapy that nourishes both the mind and the body. I started this group private practice with a simple mission: to help people feel good. The best way I know how to do that is to form a collective of highly trained and trained practitioners who integrate their skills to offer a truly mind-body approach to mental wellness.

I look at the whole you, not just one piece, not just one aspect.  In partnership, I help you uncover and resolve past and present issues that are emotionally, physically, and/or logistically getting in your way of feeling your best.  


After working with me, you will know how to choose behaviors and thoughts that support you, lift you up, and allow you to feel healthier, happier, stronger and more confident.


Learn about what makes working with us different


Research supports the undeniable truth that exercising regularly and eating nutrient-dense foods are nature's best medicine. For this reason I use a mind/body approach in the work I do with my clients. Sound Mind, Sound Body Sessions are designed to attend to both your emotional and physical needs. These sessions help to elevate your mood, calm your mind, increase your energy and set you on the path to living a healthier, happier life. 


I know first hand how hard it can be to consistently make the healthy choices that are needed to feel good both physically and emotionally. When working with me, I help you stay accountable to your healthy living goals.


I blend fitness and movement therapy into my sessions. This includes, but is not limited to: yoga, pilates, stretching, cardio-burst intervals and strengthening resistance exercises. I embrace the therapeutic benefit that the great outdoors offer by meeting clients (whenever possible) in a nature setting. I help clients shift their diets by removing denatured nutrient-void food and bringing in food that nourishes both mind and body.



I start each session with mindfulness

Kaitlin Battiste, RYT 200

Getting present in the moment upon the start of therapy helps clients shift from the trying and striving mind to the being mind. It is in the being mind that we can explore what's working and what isn't , without harshness. It also helps clients learn to use these mindfulness exercises outside of sessions. 



I offer walk and talk therapy

Camilla Coakley, LCSW

I believe in the therapeutic power of nature.  So for interested clients,  I love having sessions outside.  I offer walk/run and talk therapy sessions in a nature preserve or park.

I take a solution-focused, strengths-based approach.

Although I help you work through the core pains from your past, my approach helps you to focus on your present and the future life as well. We look at not only what isn't working, but also at what is working for you in your life today.  I help you build off your strengths to find lasting solutions to the obstacles that are getting in your way from living your happiest, healthiest life.

I draw from and blend the following modalities & perspectives:

Motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, somatic therapy, emotional freedom technique, intuitive guidance, buddhist wisdom, laughter & playfulness, exercise as medicine and the nutrition principles of the Gut & Psychology Syndrome, The Whole 30, and Medical Medium protocol​​.

I don’t take a quick fix approach.  And this isn’t only about weight loss. 

Too often people yo-yo diet, doing cleanse/diet only to fall back into old habits soon thereafter. It is the tortoise, not the hare, that wins the race. While working with me there is no doubt you will lose inches, shed pounds and have more energy, but this isn’t a program with a specific formula and a specific end date.  My approach is to help you make lasting positive healthy habits that nourish both the body and the mind.  I help clients embrace the benefits that exercise has for their mind as much as for their waistline.  

I don’t just focus on one piece of the puzzle.

I look at all aspects of your life. I help to bring awareness and healing with regards to your nutrition, relationship to food, physical ailments, emotional blocks, exercise history, relationship issues, and any other areas of stress. We uncover where any emotional & physical imbalances are hidden, we bring them to the surface, and with my support we work through them and overcome them. Setting you up for a healthier and happier future.

Let's Connect
sound mind sound body

Our Whole Team

Our philosophy: Mental health isn't just about the mind


It's all connected!   When we take care of our bodies, we can better heal our minds. 

Each one of us is passionate and committed to offering clients a beautiful integration of mind-body therapy.  We can't help ourselves when it comes to continued training and education. We stay current with effective integrative therapies that offer you profound and lasting results. 



I'll actually ask you how are your poops?

Loren Hall, CNC

The gut brain connection is very real. If you are not digesting well, this will negatively impact your brain health.  Much of the work I do is aimed at helping you from the bottom up! 


I use laughter as a part of therapy.

Camilla Coakley, LCSW

Laughter is one of natures best medicine.  I do serious work with my clients and yet my clients and I laugh a lot.  I would argue that because I welcome (and encourage) humor in my practice, my clients see more progress in less time.  Not to mention the fact that my clients look forward to our sessions and they always leave feeling better.​


I am trained in sound-healing, say what?

Nora Wright, LCSW

Each one of us is passionate and committed to offering clients a beautiful integration of mind-body therapy.  We can't help ourselves when it comes to continued training and education. We keep learning so that we can offer you the best when it comes to integrating a holistic approach to mental wellness. 

Who do we work with?

I work with people who struggle with anxiety, depressionADD/ADHD, weight lossstress, work/life balance, self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence and insecurity.


I specialize in (and have spent the last decade) helping clients not only lose weight, but also find relief from their depression and/or anxiety, and/or low self-esteem.  


I have extensive training in natural approaches to helping clients thrive with ADD/ADHD.  I integrate coaching, nutritional guidance & exercise with adults and teens who are struggling with ADD/ADHD.


I support teens in learning how to develop healthy living habits that help to ensure a healthy self-esteem and improved self-confidence.


I support women's wellness and work with mothers who are looking to recover from the "superwoman syndrome" of doing it all.  My integrated approach allows time-pressed women to attend to both their mind and body during a single session with me.  


I help clients identify and find stress relief from their overwhelming life demands.  With my support, I offer clients a chance to recover both physically and emotionally from years of an overtaxed mind and body. 


I support company wellness by offering work/life balance workshops in the corporate setting.  These workshops focus on stress relief from a holistic integrated approach that includes nutrition, fitness, music, meditation and mindfulness.  


I help those who are struggling with insomnia.  I offer clients therapies and solutions that quiet the mind, nourish the body and support lasting quality sleep.

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